We Need a Change
My name is Merium Khan, and I welcome you to The Muslim Educator Academy.
I founded the Academy in order to help push forward a paradigm shift in Islamic education.
Over the years, I have sat in many a weekend school graduation where students awkwardly recited verses or hadith in Arabic with little to no idea of what they were saying.
I have seen so many young people wear their Islamic identities like an ill-fitting garment--they don't feel truly at home in their deen. They associate Islam with words they don't understand and a handful of trivia-like facts which are dutifully repeated at masjid Jeopardy tournaments.
As a community, we have a plethora of online courses for learning to read and memorize Qur'an. What about understanding Allah's words? How many classes do we have to teach this? In our Qur'an classes are we helping our students to love what Allah is teaching them in the Qur'an?
Many of our children attend public schools, and their Islamic education is limited to some Qur'an memorization and a few hours of Sunday School lessons.
Even Islamic full-time schools struggle to find material that is engaging and relevant to students' daily lives. They frequently resort to the typical textbook/worksheet "fill in the blank" approach to teaching Islam.
We are in a full-blown crisis when it comes to Islamic education. Our children are increasingly disillusioned and turned off from any religious instruction. They view Islamic learning as a chore and a burden.
Inspiring Students

Our Approach
TME Academy Founder Merium Khan discusses the founding of The Muslim Educator Academy and its goals: