Course Features

  • A Unique Approach

    The course is framed as a trip through history, and this storytelling approach helps students to engage with the surahs on a new level.

  • Education by Inspiration

    The ultimate goal is for students to increase in their eemaan as they develop a love and appreciation for these surahs.

  • Arabic Integration

    Students will learn the meanings of important key words from the surah and the instructor will model ways to create sentences based on their vocabulary.

Journey Through the Past

This course takes students on a fascinating journey through time, starting with the pre-Islamic period (Surahs al-Feel & Quraysh), then to the early days of Islam and how the idolators reacted (al-Ma'oon), to the messages of the faith (al-Falaq, an-Naas, al-Ikhlas), to the years of struggle and hardship with the mushrikoon (al-Kafiroon), to the final victory in Makkah (an-Nasr) and a reflection on the rewards of our Beloved messenger ﷺ in Jannah (al-Kawthar). Through this historical lens, the surahs' meanings come to life as they are woven through a tapestry of tradition, story, and memory.
Journey Through the Past

Meaning, Images, Emotions

"Let's be real," I tell students on the first day of class. "We all find ourselves picking one of these short surahs when we are are praying and in a rush, right? You might think of these surahs as the quick and easy ones, but they are powerhouses of meaning that will amaze and inspire you." This is our class goal. Meanings, Images, Emotions. We dig deep to engage them all in the effort to understand and appreciate these surahs.
Meaning, Images, Emotions

About the Course

Note: Fall 2020 is the last semester this course will be offered as a live class with Sr. Merium. It will then be converted to a pre-recorded self-study course.

Course Details:

Meets live online for 1 hour weekly for 9 weeks

  • Tuition costs are pay-what-you can with a full price and sliding scale.

  • This is not your ordinary Qur'an class--instead of memorizing the surahs, students will learn word-by-word meanings and the historical context of the surahs.

  • After registration, you will select one section for the live classes. Timings are listed according to Eastern Time (US):

    Classes start week of October 5:

    • 8-12 year olds: 
      Saturdays, 12 pm Eastern Time (9 am Pacific, 4 pm GMT) from October 10–December 5.

    • Teens:
      Sundays, 2 pm Eastern Time (11 am Pacific, 6 pm GMT) from October 11–December 6

    • Can't attend live? You can register and choose to watch the recordings.

  • For questions, please email [email protected]

Building Connections

Students will learn to make connections between the various themes in these surahs. This student, Ibraheem, has mapped out the meaning of Surahs Falaq & Naas to observe the relationship between them. "It's satisfying!" he said when asked about making mind-maps of the surahs.
Building Connections

Arabic Language Integration

My ultimate goal is for students to be able to understand these surahs in the original Arabic. To this end, we integrate a word-to-word approach that gives students exposure to vocabulary and grammar concepts. I model visual note-taking skills and hand signs to help students dive into the language.
Arabic Language Integration

Teaching Sample

In class, students learn that Surahs al-Feel and Quraysh were revealed together, and that they tie together in meaning. Sr. Merium explains to students how the events described in Surah al-Feel led to the safety and security of the Quraysh as described in Surah Quraysh:

What Parents Are Saying

by Qanita

"Merium gently guides children to fall in love with the Qur'an"

by Qanita

"My children truly enjoyed the hands-on, thought-provoking sessions. Merium's teachings extended beyond the weekly classes as she empowers children with skills and motivation that they use independently even outside of class. The mind-maps and journaling are creative outlets for children to grasp and use in other subject areas. Merium gently guides children to fall in love with the Qur'an, ponder over Allah swt's words, and most importantly, she taught my children to actively engage with every ayah in the Qur'an."
by Angie

"We were all inspired"

by Angie

Regarding the similarly themed Ramadan Qur'an Club, Angie writes: "This [class] was a beautiful connection for visual and kinesthetic learners especially as they learned how to use that inspiration to further their connection to the book of Allah (swt). The Qur'an mind maps, journaling, and adding that creative element were a perfect fit for our family. We were all inspired and participated in the beautiful art projects after her class was over. Our family definitely collectively enjoyed the benefits of this class!"

Important Notes

  • Technical requirements: a device that has a webcam and microphone for video conferencing, and access to a printer. 
  • Sibling discounts are available. Please choose the applicable checkout option for 2 or 3 students.
  • Please read the FAQ for Academy policies about withdrawals and refunds.
  • Live sessions will be recorded and uploaded in the online classroom after each session.
  • Teacher's source material includes:
    تيسير الكريم المنان
    تفسير بن كثير
  • Ka'bah image credit: By Rochdiwafik - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Join for Updates

Registration Options

Pay what you can: The full price options are at the top, and sliding scale options follow. You will choose your live section timing after registration. Email [email protected] with any questions or to sponsor a student.

  • $99.00

    $99.00Juz Amma Workshop I: al-Feel to an-Naas

    Full price--One student
  • $188.00

    $188.00Juz Amma Workshop I: al-Feel to an-Naas

    Full price: Student + 1 sibling ($10 discount)
  • $277.00

    $277.00Juz Amma Workshop I: al-Feel to an-Naas

    Full price: Student + 2 siblings ($20 discount)
  • $75.00

    $75.00Juz Amma Workshop I: al-Feel to an-Naas

    Sliding scale payment option
  • $50.00

    $50.00Juz Amma Workshop I: al-Feel to an-Naas

    Sliding scale payment option
  • $20.00

    $20.00Juz Amma Workshop I: al-Feel to an-Naas

    Sliding scale payment option
  • $10.00

    $10.00Juz Amma Workshop I: al-Feel to an-Naas

    Sliding scale payment option

Meet Your Instructor

  • Merium Khan

    Founder and Head Instructor

    Merium Khan

    Merium Khan is the founder of The Muslim Educator Academy. She has a bachelor's degree in Social Sciences and has studied Arabic in the US and Jordan. She has been teaching for the last 20 years in Islamic full-time schools, weekend schools, private tutoring, halaqahs, and online classes for children and adults. She has authored a book on Seerah that is used in Islamic schools and has also worked as a curriculum developer and consultant. The one word that students and parents use to describe her teaching is “passionate.” She loves to bring concepts to life in thought-provoking ways while tapping into her students’ innate intelligence and knowledge. Through TME Academy, she hopes to bring her relationship-based, enthusiastic and interactive brand of teaching to a new generation of Muslim students. Sr. Merium lives on the East Coast of the US with her husband Siraj Sohail and their three kids.